October 5, 2020



"We had phys.ed.  We played a running game."  Dax

"We did the calendar."  Gwyneth

"We colored a map of Terry Fox's Marathon of Hope."  Jackson

"We wrote in our green journals about our weekend."  Kaylin

"We learned the word 'be' in our treasure books."  Emmitt

"We learned about Canada.  It is a big country."  Akbar

Please collect some leaves in a Ziploc bag (not crumpled or broken) for a special activity in science tomorrow.

Blog Challenge:  Discuss with your family all of the things that you are thankful for.

We learned about how large our country of Canada is today.  Click on the following link to watch the video we saw:


We finished our work about Terry Fox from last week.

A reminder that there will be no school on Friday (a PD Day) and next Monday (Thanksgiving).

Happy Birthday Akbar!