October 2, 2020


"We learned more about Terry Fox."  Jackson
"We had phys.ed.  We ran around the goal posts again."  Naomi
"We had music.  We danced to a song."  Brayden
"During recess we played in the field."  Brielle
"We finished our Today is Monday booklets."  Aria
Please see the letter and login card sent home today for Raz-Kids.  Your child has chosen a new password for grade one.  If you have any questions about the reading program please send me an email.

We have been learning about the days of the week.  Your child is bringing home a booklet called Today is Monday.  Please take some time to practice the days of the week.  The booklet is based on the following song:

Please start collecting some fresh leaves (not crumpled or broken) in a Ziploc bag for a special art project on Tuesday.

Happy Birthday Elijah! (October 3)