March 5, 2020


"We played Roll to 100 with our grade four buddies."  Nyssa
"We went to intramurals.  We played basketball."  Brix
"We worked in our journals."  Elizabeth
"Aahil and Jordyn showed us pictures of different communities."  Lacie
"We had a sharing circle about what we would buy if we had one hundred dollars."  Ezekiel
"Ms. Gordon showed us some money from different countries."  Karis
"We had music.  We sang two songs on the risers."  Rebecca
"Adi and Rebecca presented their posters of groups that they belong to."  Jordyn
"Today was our Fun Lunch."  Taylor
"We did some more printing."  Braelyn

Scholastic book orders are due tomorrow.

Tonight is the family movie night.  Doors open at 6:00 pm.

We are doing our annual Read-A-Thon again!  Please see the information sent home today.