February 24, 2020


"We went to the gym.  We played mirror tag and four square."  Varia
"Ms. Lang read one of my unicorn stories to the class."  Rebecca
"In math we played Roll to 100."  Dru
"Ceilidh read us two short stories."  Taylor
"We worked in our treasure books."  Elizabeth
"We did writing."  Ceilidh
"We finished up some 100 Day work."  Logan
"We exchanged our library books."  Ezekiel

Wear pink on Wednesday for Pink Shirt Day.  

Pink Shirt day began in 2007 when a student in Nova Scotia was bullied for wearing a pink shirt to school.  It has since been recognized annually as a day to stand against bullying.

The order form for our school family movie night will be sent home tomorrow.  Be sure to return your form quickly as tickets are sold to those who order first!

A reminder that there will be no school on Friday.