October 24, 2019


"We went to music.  We sang O'Canada."  Lacie
"We worked on our pattern fish."  Adi
"We saw our buddies.  We played a math card game."  Taylor
"We wrote in our journals about our field trip."  Braelyn
"We worked in our treasure books."  Ezekiel
"We did the calendar."  Dru
"We did GoNoodle."  Aahil
"We worked in our colours booklet."  Kyle
"We watched a video about the Eagle Eye."  Ella
"We had a sharing circle."  Kade
"We did yoga."  Karis

We have been practicing a reading strategy called Eagle Eye.  Here is a link to a video that explains how it works:

Eagle Eye

Blog Challenge:  Read a story with your parents.  Show them how you can use picture cues to help you read.  Show them the Eagle Eye reading strategy.

Scholastic book orders are due tomorrow.

We still need five more pumpkins!  If you are able to donate one to the class please send me an email.