September 23, 2020


"We got to run around the pond for the Terry Fox run."  Emalyn
"We got to choose two library books."  Owen
"We worked in our treasure books."  Charlee
"We got to play at the playground by the pond."  Elise
"We got to play at our playground during lunch recess."  Jackson
"We wrote in our journals about what we can touch."  Brayden
"We did the calendar."  Khalid

Thank you to everyone who attended our Google Meet yesterday.  If you were unable to attend I have posted the video of our classroom tour in our Google Classroom.  

This year the Learning Commons will work differently.  Students will not be permitted to bring books home.  Each classroom will be given fifty books for one month.  Every month the books will be exchanged.  Students will to need sanitize their hands first before choosing books.  Our first box of books was delivered!  

A reminder that there will be an early dismissal tomorrow at 11:45 am.