September 22, 2020


"We had fun at the playground during recess."  Kaylin
"We worked in our treasure books."  Brielle
"We learned about music notes during music.."  Charlee
"We went to visit our special tree."  Emalyn
"Emalyn showed us pictures of baby chicks."  Aria
"We wrote in our journals about what we can taste."  Brayden
"We ran around the field during phys.ed."  Jackson
"Ms. Lang read us a story."  Kai

We are unable to have our annual Terry Fox run around the pond as a school this year.  Instead each grade has chosen a destination that they will "walk" to.  Each day our class is counting our steps.  Our grade one destination is Thunder Bay, Ontario.  This is where Terry Fox stopped running across Canada.  We will be walking around the pond tomorrow to add more steps to our daily count.

We are learning about seasonal changes in science.  Today is the first day of autumn.  We have been looking forward to this day during our daily calendar activities.  We went to visit our class tree that we will watch for changes throughout the seasons.  We had a lot of fun!  

Emalyn shared some pictures today of baby chicks that were born at her house!

Here are pictures of us in front of our class tree: