September 15, 2020


 "We had phys.ed. outside.  We played an animal game."  Elise

"We worked in our treasure books."  Brayden

"We got to play at the playground during lunch recess."  Jackson

"Ms. Lang read us a story about bees."  Robbie

"We had music.  We colored a picture of a heart."  Brielle

"We did the calendar."  Charlee

"We wrote in our green journals about ourselves."  Emmitt

"We learned the numbers 11 - 15 in math."  Naomi

"We had fun."  Gwyneth

"We watched Jolly Phonics."  Scarlett

We have been working on our writing skills!  We took some time today to share what we wrote about ourselves using the sentence starter I am ___ .