September 14, 2020


 "We are so excited that we got our new treasure books today."  Brielle

"We had fun during phys.ed.  We ran around the goal posts."  Emmitt

"We got to play at the playground during recess."  Jackson

"We did some writing.  We wrote about our weekend."  Brayden

"We shared our writing with the class."  Akbar

"We did the calendar."  Charlee

"We had a fire drill today."  Emalyn

Today we started working in our new treasure book.  The treasure book contains sight word poems.  Each week we will be focusing on four sight words and practicing the corresponding poems.  I will post the four words on the right hand side of the blog.  Please practice reading and spelling the four words at home with your child.  I will send a letter home on Friday with further details and the three lists of sight words.