February 10, 2020


"We went to the gym.  We did actions that were on cones.  We played mirror tag."  Jordyn
"We worked in our treasure books."  Elizabeth
"We made cards for our grade four buddies."  Varia
"We learned a new reading strategy called Tryin' Lion."  Ezekiel
"We started a new art project."  Braelyn
"We learned about subtraction in math."  Taylor
"We had a sharing circle."  Kyle
"Logan read us his favorite story."  Karis
"We wrote in our green journals about our celebration of learning."  Lacie

Today we learned the reading strategy called Tryin' Lion.  Here are a couple of short videos to show you how it works:

Tryin' Lion Reading Strategy

Tryin' Lion

Blog Challenge:  Use the tryin' lion strategy at home while reading a story tonight.

We will be exchanging valentines on Wednesday.

Wednesday, February 19 will be our 100th day of school!  We will be having a celebration that day.  Students will be asked to dress up like they are 100 years old.  Students will also be asked to bring in 100 small items in a Ziploc bag.  Start looking for your costume and your items for next week!

A reminder that there will be an early dismissal on Wednesday at 11:45 am.  There will be no school on Thursday, Friday and Monday (Teachers' Convention and Family Day).