February 7, 2020


"We went to the gym.  We played a new game today with bean bags."  Dru
"We did a writing test about how people adapt to the winter."  Lacie and Ms. Lang
"Ethan read us his favorite story."  Braelyn
"We showed our grade four buddies our building projects."  Varia
"Ms. Lang gave us the February Scholastic brochures."  Ezekiel
"Ms. Lang took pictures of us with our building projects.  We are taking them home."  Kyle and Ms. Lang

We had a lot of fun at our celebration of learning last night.  I am so proud of all of your child's hard work!

Here is a link to the video we watched about human and animal adaptations in the winter:

Winter Adaptations

Scholastic brochures have gone home today.  Orders will be due on Friday, February 21.

Treasure books have gone home again for the weekend.  Keep reading!

Have a great weekend!