November 27, 2019


"We went to the gym.  We played a game called Elephant Ball."  Adi
"We went to music.  We listened to a story.  We played with an instrument."  Ella
"We got to do a free write.  I wrote about my cat."  Karis
"We learned about tints and shades."  Ezekiel
"We practiced our numbers."  Ethan
"We did our treasure books."  Dru
"We did GoNoodle."  Braelyn
"It was the last day of our clubs."  Jordyn
"We learned more about transparent and opaque objects."  Varia and Ms. Lang

Thank you to Rebecca for bringing in several donations for our Warm Feet for the Street evening!

 Fine Motor Skills

Fine motor skills are the coordination of small muscle movements (usually the fingers) in conjunction with the eyes.  They include certain actions like writing, grasping small objects and fastening clothes.  Fine motor skills involve strength, dexterity and fine motor control.  There are several activities parents can do at home to help strengthen their child’s fine motor skills.  Please see the sheets sent home today for different ideas.

Our class picture has arrived!  Your child is bringing home a copy today.