November 29, 2019



"Ms. Lang was away this afternoon.  Mrs. Stevenson was our guest teacher."  Karis
"We did the poems 'one' and 'that' in our treasure books."  Ezekiel
"We played rock, paper, scissors tag during lunch recess."  Fatima and Mrs. Stevenson
"We listened to a story about Pete the Cat during music."  Braelyn
"We saw our grade four buddies.  They showed us some of their work on the laptops."  Taylor
"We drew our November self-portraits."  Dru
"We practiced the numbers 12, 13 and 14 in math."  Kyle
"We did science.  We cut out pictures, sorted them and glued them under transparent, translucent or opaque."  Ethan

Thank you to Taylor and Varia for their donations to Warm Feet for the Street!

We are collecting donations until December 3.  Don't forget to RVSP for our Warm Feet for the Street evening on December 5!