January 16, 2020
"We went to music. We sang a song on the risers. We played the drums again." Rebecca
"We did writing. We wrote about groups that we are in." Ceilidh
"We saw our grade four buddies. We played math games." Nyssa
"We worked in our treasure books." Dru
"We did more printing." Braelyn
"We had another indoor lunch recess. Some people watched a movie, some people played board games and some people went to the gym." Taylor
"Ms. Lang read us a story called Country Kid, City Kid." Ella
"We learned about number lines in math." Logan
"Some of us had pizza for lunch." Jordyn
"We did GoNoodle for our indoor recess." Ezekiel
"We had a sharing circle." Kyle
Scholastic brochures have been sent home today. Orders will be due on Friday, January 24.