December 17, 2019


"We got to listen to the DMCS band.  It was really good."  Jordyn
"We went to intramurals during lunch recess.  We played revenge tag."  Kyle
"A police officer came to visit our class."  Taylor
"We learned about tangrams in math."  Karis
"We did GoNoodle."  Ezekiel
"We did a gallery walk of our traditions in a box."  Rebecca

Tomorrow will be Ugly Christmas Sweater Day.

Today we had a presentation by Constable Baker.  She taught us about using our five senses as important tools.  We also discussed how each one of us is unique and special.  We made a list as a class of different talents that we have.  We can share our talents to help others.  We chose three of them and wrote them on ducks.  We cut them out and glued them on a pond.  Students are bringing their work home to show you!  Please ask your child what he or she wrote.

We finished our Christmas traditions in a box presentations.