November 12, 2019


"We painted a colour to match a paint chip.  We used the primary colours and white."  Lacie
"We wrote about peace in our green writing journals."  Ceilidh
"We finished our booklets from last week."  Kyle
"We went to the gym.  We played one game with balls and another with beanbags."  Rebecca
"We did GoNoodle."  Aahil
"We had a special guest.  Nyssa's grandmother told us stories."  Logan
"Ms. Lang read us a story."  Dru
"We had a sharing circle."  Braelyn
"We did the calendar."  Karis

Today Nyssa's grandmother, a professional storyteller, came to visit our class.  She told us some stories from around the world.  For more information please visit her website:

Mary Hays

Please see the Scholastic brochures sent home today.  Orders are due by Monday, November 25.

Thank you to Nyssa and Ezekiel for their food donations.  We are collecting donations for the Veterans Food Bank Drive until Friday.

Tomorrow will be World Kindness Day.