November 5, 2019


"We went to the gym.  We played a tag game called Odds and Evens and Tic Tac Toe with beanbags."  Jordyn
"We finished drawing our monsters."  Kade
"We worked in our treasure books."  Taylor
"We got to go to the transmogrifier in GoNoodle.  Our character named Flash Bolton grew."  Aahil and Ms. Lang 
"Ms. Lang read us a story called There's a Monster in Your Book."  Ezekiel
"We worked in our math books.  We showed different ways to make numbers."  Braelyn
"We started describing our monsters."  Karis
"We had a sharing circle with Ms. Gordon."  Rebecca

Tomorrow we will have our class picture taken.  It is also picture retake day.  If you would like your child to have his or her picture retaken please send me an email to let me know.