November 18, 2019


"We went to the gym.  We practiced our overhand throw."  Kade
"We did the calendar."  James
"We made thank you cards."  Karis
"We measured with blocks."  Logan
"We shared some Me Bags."  Taylor
"We wrote in our green writing journals about our weekend."  Ceilidh
"We learned about shapes."  Ella
"We worked in our visual journals."  Braelyn
"We had a sharing circle."  Ezekiel

Please see the letter sent home today about Warm Feet for the Street.

I am testing the class this week on sight words.  Keep practicing at home!  I gave everyone a copy of the three lists of sight words during our conference in September.  

The lists are also at the beginning of your child's treasure book.  Ideas on how to practice the words are also in the treasure book.  Our focus right now is on the pre-primer list.  Once your child has mastered this list please start on the primer list.  If you have any questions about sight words please let me know.  Mastery of these words is an important step in learning how to read and write.

A reminder that there will be no school on Friday (a PD day).