February 27, 2020


"We had intramurals.  We played a pirate game."  Kade
"We had music.  We did the freeze dance.  We sang a song."  Aahil
"We watched the grade two celebration of learning."  Taylor
"We saw our grade four buddies.  We practiced spelling our treasure book words."  Rebecca
"We drew our February self-portraits."  Elizabeth
"Nyssa's mom came to volunteer this morning."  Kyle
"Logan showed us a painting that he made of the Eiffel Tower."  Adi
"We wrote about how animals adapt to the winter."  Braelyn
"We went to visit our special tree."  Dru
"We are taking home some of our work."  Karis

This week we learned another reading strategy called Skippy Frog.

Here are a couple of short videos that explain how the strategy works:

Skippy Frog

Skippy Frog #2

Blog Challenge:  Read a story.  Use the skippy frog strategy.

In social studies we are learning how belonging to groups and communities enriches an individual’s identity.  Please see the letter sent home today about a collage project.  We will start the presentations on Monday.

Please see the Scholastic brochures sent home today.  Orders will be due on Friday, March 6.

There will be no school tomorrow.  Treasure books have been sent home again.  Keep reading!  

Enjoy the long weekend!

February 26, 2020


"We played a game in music.  We sang a song."  James
"We went to the gym.  We played mirror tag and four square."  Lacie
"We made a special visual journal page for Pink Shirt Day."  Rebecca
"We had a big math test."  Taylor
"We had a sharing circle about kindness."  Braelyn
"We wore pink shirts today."  Dru
"Some people went to the dance club."  Karis
"Ms. Lang read us a story about kindness."  Ezekiel
"We did some painting."  Kyle
"Taylor read a short story she wrote."  Elizabeth
"We took a pledge and made a Pink Shirt Day bookmark."  Ella
"We watched a video about a bear."  Adi

Today is Pink Shirt Day.  Please click on the following link for further information:

Pink Shirt Day

We watched a video called Bamboo the Anti-Bully Bear.  We took a pledge to be kind to others.

Here is a link to the video:

Bamboo the Anti-Bully Bear

Everyone has had a chance to bring in his or her favorite story to share with the class.  We will now be comparing our community to other communities.  Students will be asked to bring in pictures of another community to share with the class.  When it is your child's turn he or she will bring home the following note:

We have spent time in social studies learning about our community of New Brighton.  We are going to start making comparisons to other communities.

It is your child’s turn to bring in pictures of another community that you have visited to share with the class (on vacation, another place in Canada, etc.).  If the pictures are not printed out they can be emailed to Ms. Lang at kelang@cbe.ab.ca.

Please practice the presentation ahead of time with your child so that he or she is ready to answer questions about the similarities and differences between the two communities and how the needs of the other community may be different from New Brighton.

Thank you for your support!


"We went to the gym.  We played mirror tag and four corners."  Ezekiel
"We did treasure books."  Fatima
"Ms. Lang was away.  We had a guest teacher."  Karis
"We learned about tally marks in math."  Kyle
"We practiced the letters D and V today."  Dru
"We wrote about what people need."  Taylor
"We went to choir during lunch recess."  Braelyn

February 24, 2020


"We went to the gym.  We played mirror tag and four square."  Varia
"Ms. Lang read one of my unicorn stories to the class."  Rebecca
"In math we played Roll to 100."  Dru
"Ceilidh read us two short stories."  Taylor
"We worked in our treasure books."  Elizabeth
"We did writing."  Ceilidh
"We finished up some 100 Day work."  Logan
"We exchanged our library books."  Ezekiel

Wear pink on Wednesday for Pink Shirt Day.  

Pink Shirt day began in 2007 when a student in Nova Scotia was bullied for wearing a pink shirt to school.  It has since been recognized annually as a day to stand against bullying.

The order form for our school family movie night will be sent home tomorrow.  Be sure to return your form quickly as tickets are sold to those who order first!

A reminder that there will be no school on Friday.