Hello Everyone!
I will no longer be making posts on our classroom blog. Please see the Stream in our Google Classroom for daily updates and classroom information.
I will no longer be making posts on our classroom blog. Please see the Stream in our Google Classroom for daily updates and classroom information.
"We got to play at the playground." Kai
"We made Halloween crafts." Owen
"We did the calendar." Elijah
"We made a pumpkin." Emalyn
"We made a birthday book for Scarlett." Kaylin
"During phys.ed. we played a game called I'm Going on a Pumpkin Hunt." Charlee
"We played a guessing game about our costumes." Jackson
"We have a student teacher named Ms. Payton." Aria
"We listened to a story called Arthur's Halloween." Khalid
"We watched a Halloween video of our school wearing costumes." Emmitt
Here is a link to a video we watched to help us make some Halloween handprint crafts:
A reminder that there will be no school tomorrow and that DST is on Sunday.
I will be posting our daily updates in our Google Classroom starting on Monday.
Welcome Chloe! Chloe Payton is a student teacher from the University of Lethbridge. She came to meet our class today. Chloe will be starting her practicum in our classroom on November 16.
I hope that everyone has a great Halloween! I look forward to hearing all about it on Monday.
Happy Birthday Scarlett!
"We worked in our journals and wrote about the superpowers of our bats." Brayden
"We worked on patterns in math." Elijah
"We drew a picture of a cat and a pumpkin." Brielle
"We had a guest teacher named Mrs. Danyluk." Jackson
"We had phys.ed. We played two math games." Jackson
"We got to use the whiteboards." Aria
"We drew our self-portraits for October." Kaylin
"We did our treasure books. Today's word was 'look'." Owen
"We did the calendar." Liam
"We had music. We danced to the song Power and we clapped out patterns." Brayden
Today there was a lot of ice outside! We learned how to walk like a penguin to avoid slips and falls.
Here is a link:
A reminder that students can wear their costumes or pajamas on Thursday.
A reminder that there will be no school on Friday. Our Halloween dress-up day will be on Thursday.
Please see your child's school photo that was sent home today. Retakes will be on Wednesday, November 4. If you would like your child to have a retake please send me an email. Photos orders are due by Thursday, November 5.
Today Brielle shared some pictures from her trip to Golden, BC on the weekend. We discussed different seasonal changes that we noticed.
Have a good evening!